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That Hyped Up AI Pin Made Two Idiotic Mistakes in Its Launch Video

How does this keep happening?

Third Time’s the Charm

We honestly can’t believe we’re saying this, but: once again, a much-hyped AI product launch has featured glaring AI hallucinations.

This time, that AI product is Humane’s AI Pin, which was finally revealed last week after years of intense secrecy and high-dollar funding rounds. Built by married Apple alumni Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, the AI Pin — a small, screenless device with next-next-next-gen iPod shuffle energy — has been billed as a smartphone replacement; as its creators showed off in a ten-minute-long promotional clip, Pin wearers can use taps, hand gestures, and voice commands to make calls and read texts, play music, take pictures, ask the AI questions and more.

Apparently, though, five years wasn’t quite enough prep time for the Pin’s big day. Barely a week after its launch, Business Insider reports that Humane is reshooting the video due to not one, but two separate AI hallucinations.

For those at home counting, this is the third time that this has happened at a prominent AI company this year; back in February, both Google and Microsoft saw AI promos plagued by poorly fact-checked AI fabrications. That’s a wild ratio, and it’s enough to make you wonder: why does no one in the AI industry seem to be fact-checking their own tech?

Too Many Almonds

The Humane Pin’s slip-ups are especially striking considering how simple the queries were.

As Insider reports, the first mistake happens about three minutes and 40 seconds into the promotional clip, when Chaudhri asks the Pin where someone should go to best view the next solar eclipse. The Pin tells its inventor that the eclipse should be caught from Australia, but that answer is woefully incorrect; the next solar eclipse will, in fact, be a Great American Eclipse, and will thus be best viewed in — you guessed it! — North America.

Later in the video, a little after the six-minute mark, Chaudhri asks the AI how many grams of protein are in a handful of almonds, to which the AI gives a confident figure: 15 grams. But as one Twitter-formerly-X user quickly pointed out, you’d need to guzzle 60 almonds to glean 15 grams of protein from the nuts alone.

Per Insider, Humane head of new media Sam Sheffer took to the startup’s Discord server earlier this week to address the errors, claiming the mistakes were made by “pre-release” software. Regardless, though, the fact remains: despite their tech’s propensity to fabricate facts and information, AI creators continue to take their tech’s outputs at face value. And considering that those creating AI technologies are very certain of the tech’s power to change the world, you’d think the industry might approach the stuff with a bit more scrutiny as opposed to rushed, blind trust.

More on the AI pin: Humane’s Uber-expensive “AI Pin” Sounds like a Total Disaster