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  • Of Parrots and Power: Open AI and the Socio-Ecological Transformation | Labor.A 2023

Of Parrots and Power: Open AI and the Socio-Ecological Transformation | Labor.A 2023

Applications based on ‘artificial intelligence’ have long been changing work and production processes in many industries. On the other hand, a disruptive quantum leap through ChatGPT and Co. has been discussed for months. We examine realistic technical possibilities and future scenarios, asking: What are the conditions under which the potential of AI in transformation can be utilized without reinforcing existing power structures and devaluing human labor?

Speakers: Michael Seemann, Author/BloggerMatthias Hornschuh, Composer & Copyright Initiative

Moderation: Julia Kropf and Martin Hoffmann

Partner: Hans Böckler Foundation

More information here https://labora.digital/2023/

#labora #futureofwork #transformation

00:00:00 Introduction and Presentation of Panelists00:04:38 Status Quo00:11:59 Data Protection and Copyright00:24:33 Power and Sustainability