Inventive ways people are using AI

Engaging event planning

Ishita Singh got a room full of strangers to chat, get to know each other and have fun. She volunteered to organize a social mixer for about 100 early-in-career professionals in India but felt overwhelmed by the logistics of managing a dinner that large and unsure how to engage participants and help them network to move their burgeoning careers forward. “People can’t just eat and go,” she thought. “I need to go the extra mile.” Singh asked Microsoft Copilot for icebreakers, and it came up with a treasure trove of intriguing questions — some serious and thought-provoking, others sarcastic and fun — that got the conversation flowing. It really helped Singh, a Microsoft technical support engineer who’s less experienced in event planning, to elevate the experience. “One person told me afterward that we all came in as different people to that event,” Singh says, “but when we left, we were friends.”

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