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How to Make Money With TikTok Shop Dropshipping

He’s 23. He doesn’t come from money. In his own words, he’s not “the smartest person ever”.

Unlike most 23-year-olds, Sebastian is very good at one thing. Making money. Lots and lots of it.

Last year, he made $2 million. How? Dropshipping.

Fortunately for you, Sebastian shared the exact model he used to get to this scale on the WGMI Media Podcast.

Isn’t dropshipping dead?

Sebastian started making dropshipping videos at the peak of its popularity in 2017.

Back then, dropshipping was as easy as messaging a few influencers to promote your product. Set up a simple online store and watch the money roll in.

As the internet caught on to the opportunity, the competition got tougher. Naturally, dropshipping became less popular.

Sebastian, however, stuck to his guns and doubled down on dropshipping. His loyalty to the industry has paid off massively.

  • Learn all the tips, tricks, and tactics to start and scale an online store

  • Build a phenomenal network with suppliers and content creators

  • Discover the biggest emerging opportunities in dropshipping and e-commerce before anyone else

It’s that last point that’s most important to us: Discover opportunities before anyone else.

Sebastian’s finger is on the pulse of dropshipping, and he’s found a new opportunity he believes will bring dropshipping back to its former glory.

TikTok Shop.